Your Mori


Feels like the point where Mori started getting real introspective with her music, especially with Guh and いじめっ子Bully.


  1. The Grim Reaper is a Live-Streamer: Even all these years later, this still feels like Mori's theme song.
  2. Red: Catchy and upbeat, gives the feeling that she's already made peace with the idea that this won't last forever and has resolved to cherish every moment
  3. guh: I'm glad that Mori's past her self-deprecating phase now but it's cool how she was able to roast her haters while still admitting that she isn't perfect either
  4. いじめっ子 Bully: Love the contrast between the lyrics about self-hatred and a toxic broken relationship vs. Mori in a sexy showgirl outfit
  5. Empress (Calliope ver.): Great cover, lyric-wise it really goes hand-in-hand with Guh